Season Greetings!

After Thanksgiving, the Winter Holiday season started with the lighting of the 1st candle of Advent on November 27, then followed by 3 additional candles lit during Advent. Christmas starts with Christmas Eve on December 24, then Christmas Day on December 25, and in many countries 2nd Day of Christmas, Boxing Day is a holiday on December 26. Hanukkah (Festival of Lights, Hebrew year 5783) began at sundown on December 18 and continues through December 26. Kwanzaa, celebrates African culture and heritage, and begins on December 26 and lasts through January 1, 2023. What a great month of the year, even in our complicated, troubled world! However, do not forget to say thank you for the whole year on December 31, then celebrate the beginning of the New Year on January 1 with new goals, new dreams, and praying for good health and happiness. Wishing All of you a joyful time celebrating your holidays in peace, on one of my photographs taken at Lake Irwin, Colorado. 

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